Saturday 17 March 2018


Iris is unique
controlling Pupils ways
Discerning light reaching Retina
through her aperture displays
Window on the world
perceiving that presented
Relaying back to the mind
Seeing what’s represented
To organise identify and interpret
how in given environment it fits

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Whispers... : You are to me--By Anna-Marie Docherty--Wales

Whispers... : You are to me--By Anna-Marie Docherty--Wales: You are to me A pretty thing you are to me, more beautiful than blossom tree. Happy and jovial you make me grin, with you in my life I alwa...

Thursday 3 June 2010

Handmade jewellery for special occasions - Emerald

Made by me at home, this piece proved more tricky to accomplish than what I first thought it would be. A challenging piece but very pleased witht he results and would make again for weddings and special occasions I'm sure. Anyone wanting details please leave me a message with contact details... If I can help I will...

Sunday 28 March 2010

Friday 8 January 2010

Twitter / Home

Twitter / Home: Please take a view through this link? It will take you to a new concept of my putting my poetry overlayed onto the wonderful artworks of Maria Szolosi aka Mariska on For further reading of my poetry, looking at some of my crafts or photos please search the tabs you will find in the profile of anaisnais on - Welcome, enjoy and please let me know what you think or if you have anyideas. Constructive critique by those in theknow is greatly valued, thankyou. Wishing all a prosperous and healthy 2010 as we move into a new decade. Please let me know what type of works you might like to see this year also? Inspiration is always most welcome!

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Teachs sword

Look at my face,
-see scars of Demelt.
Enormous black beard
woven and lit by matches;
staring back at you.

Feared of reputation,
I reflect in my blade -
a ladies man in style.
With feathered tricorn, hemp
and multiple weapons to hand.

Representing ferocious battles,
and yet no account of killing one;
I use my terrors’ edge,
to gain entry of ship;
Steal valuables, gold, food, weapons and liquor.

Aye; ‘tis by rumour alone
we did battle those seas
of 1718 and more.
Notorious our piracy legion lives on,
My handle Black Beard, Teach, Drummond.

I forever a treasured and trusted companion,
historic; now I lay to rest for all to see.
One but rescued, when run aground;
on Queen Annes Revenge,
around Ocracoke Inlet, North Carolina Seas.